Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Well, apparently the only days I blog are on baking days, because today is yet another bread-baking afternoon. But no brownies this time...we really don't need that many calories every week...I guess :(
It's been a quaint day for me so far...in between stages of my bread-baking I drank a whole pot of tea by myself while reading and talking to a friend...who unfortunately was not here to drink tea with me. It has been a busy day at work for Dan so far, from what I've heard...something that generally spurs me to action in the kitchen. A) I don't want to be useless while my husband is working his tush off for us, B) I want him to have some kind of reward for his efforts when he walks through the door, and generally the smell of food cooking in the warm apartment cheers him up. I took down a delicious looking Apple Chicken recipe from Rachel Ray today that involved flambe-ing (sp?lol) apple slices and pureed root vegetables in Apple Brandy to go over the chicken. It looked really fun. Sounds like a good autumn dish.
Next weekend we get to reconnect with some friends...we are pretty excited it has been WAY too long. We enjoy spending time with our families, but our friends (and family for that matter) are so spread out it is really hard to spend the time we'd like to with everybody. Sometimes I wish that the world was a slightly smaller place. Probably just traveling more often would help us achieve that sense.
Anyway, Dan is on his way home and maybe I'll get him to blog a bit himself later. You don't want to read everything from my limited perspective!

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