Wow, well, as anyone reading this blog probably knows, Dan and I are now proud parents of Liam Scott Dickinson. He was born yesterday, June 17, at 9:37am, 7 lbs 5oz, 19 inches... :)
The labor went very quickly once I finally figured out that what I was beginning to feel at steady intervals at 3:00am were actually contractions....Dan didn't believe me! But he was very sweet anyway and acted like I knew what I was talking about, lol. I called the doctor who told me, "Well, you sound pretty comfortable, so why don't you try to go back to sleep?" to which I got off the phone, burst into tears and said "But it really hurts!" I proceeded to get ready to go in, called back to say I was on my way, and arrived in time for them to discover that I was dilated 5 cm and 90% effaced...halfway there! Trust a man to tell me to go back to sleep...haha.
Anyway, from the time I was admitted things moved very quickly. I labored through contractions (making use of the jacuzzi tub, which I highly recommend! It helped me relax through the contractions until it was practically time to push) until a little before 9 am, when pushing became a necessity. Dan was wonderfully sweet and supportive and did everything he could to help me through the experience. And only freaked out a little ;)
Despite everything I'd heard to "prepare" me I'm sure all mothers will understand when I say that I felt in shock to be going through one of the most intense experiences of my life - which completely faded away as I watched and felt my son being born and had him handed to me. Gives me goosebumps to think about :)
Anyway, Liam has been doing beautifully - taking to the doting aunts and uncles like a pro :)
Dan and I are utterly and indescribably thrilled at this gift from God. We feel so extremely blessed...there are no words.
This aunt wishes she could be there to snuggle Liam too--give him an extra kiss or two for me. :) And enjoy, it really is as shocking how fast they grow/change as it is that labor fades so quickly!
Congrats again, can't wait to see you all soon. :)
He's gorgeous! Congratulations, guys!
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