Liam is 4 weeks old today! Good grief. He still is just a little peanut, and people comment often on how little he is, but to me he seems to be growing like a weed - his facial expressions and features seem to have matured a lot, and his personality is starting to make more of an appearance :) He's kind of a gangly little thing too - he is definitely getting long limbs to match the big hands and feet that my side of the family contributed to his genetics :) And whether or not they are "real" or gas-related ;), he has some beautiful dimpled smiles that we see quite often!
I am slowly getting the hang of the whole mothering thing...the biggest challenge so far has been nursing. The mastitis was only the beginning (or instigator) of a slew of challenges...but I feel like it is finally on it's way to straightening itself out (crossed fingers, toes, eyes...). He is doing all right at night...generally doesn't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time before waking for a feeding, but for the most part with a few exceptions he will go right back to sleep after nursing/diaper change. The good thing is I am finally adjusting to the nighttime schedule instead of starting the night practically in tears knowing I won't get the rest I covet...and have been doing better at getting some rest during the day. Of course, Liam is in the middle of one of his long naps right now, which makes me half wish I were taking advantage of it and sleeping too, but a girl's gotta do something other than sleep and breastfeed sometime, yes?? He's allowed me to get some stuff done around the house this morning, which is nice.
There is a possibility that today or this week at some point I will be leaving him for the first time ever for a couple hours. Dan and I would like to see the new Harry Potter movie and have plenty of willing babysitters. We'll see if I can bring myself to do it for even that short of a time - as confident as I am that he will be perfectly well taken care of, I'll probably panic the whole time rendering the break completely useless :)
Well, I should probably see what else I can accomplish before he wakes up. I desperately need to find the battery charger for our camera - it is driving me crazy that I haven't been able to take pictures recently, as fast as he's changing! Once I do I can finally post some new pics up here and on facebook. Anyway, sorry about the rambling - I finally have time to post and this is what you get!
UPDATE: Obviously I found the battery charger - here is a pic taken today :)
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