- The most obvious change to our lives this year is Liam...everything else sort of fades into gray because it is now hard to imagine our lives without him.
- Something we are so happy to have behind us is Liam's surgery and recovery. Thank GOD it went smoothly for the most part and is well behind us. It was probably one of the scariest, most emotionally stressful things I have gone through and I wasn't even the one who had surgery!
- We bought our first house! Thankfully we were able to move in by Christmas - just barely, but we made it and enjoyed a cozy first Christmas with Liam and owe a special thanks to Jess and Lee for lending us the
ir cute little Christmas tree rather than making us either scramble to get one up by Christmas or go without.
- Liam is going to have a little cousin! We are very excited about his little playmate coming along in May.
In essence it has been a year with a lot to be thankful for. There have been several milestones that have been scary but worth it. We've loved spending time with family (really enjoyed a Bones marathon with my sisters and mom this fall ;) ), had a couple of really nice baby showers where we were able to catch up with friends and family that we don't see often enough. I was relieved to have some much-needed grown up girl time with my dear friend Joannah several times since her return to Midland. (thank you!) I have been able to read a ton this year and not feel guilty because there isn't much else I can do while nursing a baby and happily, I have a hungry son! I learned that I do NOT have my coffee addiction under control as well as I thought I had. I actually could probably write a completely separate, full post about the things I learned this year, most of them pertaining to motherhood and many of them you wouldn't want to read.
Resolution: To make sure my incredibly hard-working husband gets the chances to relax and enjoy himself that he deserves. He's a wonderful man who works hard for his family, but SERIOUSLY just needs to kick back and read a book or something sometimes :)
And in the spirit of making fun of ourselves and finding that I just wrote a post that is, in essence, a year-end letter, I give you my recent favorite from Garfunkel and Oates...enjoy :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRVQDFmgjPY
I love catching up on what you guys are doing. You have such a beautiful family!
PS- I gave you some love over on my blog. :) www.sbuxsweetie.blogspot.com.
And there will be more girl time sto come ;) love ya.
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