Spring is in the air! No really, it practically is! Ok. Maybe I am being a wee bit optimistic, but for February in MI we've been experiencing some gorgeous sunny days that remind me that there's an end in sight to our winter doldrums.
Today we went to our library's semi-annual book sale. I get pretty excited about these and we always make a point of getting there right when it opens...you know, to try to tackle the tables before the good stuff is gone :) We're crafty like that. Anyway, amid my haul this year was a cute little book called If Teacups Could Talk, apparently given to someone's "two favorite tea-drinkers" on their anniversary from "Wilkie and Mary-Ann." Apparently this particular anniversary gift failed to be a keeper, but I thought it looked like fun :) It has a ton of different recipes for tea sandwiches, cakes, cookies, and other delicious things that belong at a tea party. It gives information on different kinds of tea, what tea has meant to different cultures and time periods, suggestions for essentials needed at the oh-so-common "Study Group Tea Party," or "A Healthy Tea Break at Work," or "A Traditional Victorian Afternoon Tea," and so on. Basically a lot of nonsense about one of my favorite things :)
Well, unfortunately I passed one of my seasonal colds on to my little boy :( Liam has been struggling with congestion for a couple weeks now, and I thought it was letting up...but I was the more deceived. He hasn't been sleeping too great, but last night was TERRIBLE. Poor guy could not get comfortable, could not breathe, didn't want anything but to be held. It was a long night. It certainly has not been slowing him down during the day though! For a couple weeks now he has been pulling himself up to stand with anything that looks like a promising hand-hold and obviously trying to reach anything available from his new position. Yesterday I caught him balancing against his toy-box, not holding on with his hands and barely touching it with the rest of his body. I am terrified that I am going to have a walker long before I'm ready! But for now hands and knees do the trick...he mastered the stairs at my parents' house today...there was much hovering involved, but the climb appeared to be effortless on his part.
Liam still lacks quite a bit of control, despite his thirst for adventure, and many bumps and bruises ensue no matter how close I stick to him. (My housekeeping is sadly getting the short end of this arrangement, but that's probably the appropriate sacrifice under the circumstances!) Despite what they tell me...that all kids will get hurt and get through it at this stage, it doesn't stop me from feeling like a terrible mother for not catching him every time, and getting a little frantic...checking his pupil dilation and whatnot depending on the severity of the fall, etc. Of course the sight of his mother dissolving into panicked tears after he tumbles backwards and loudly klunks his head will cause Liam to immediately stop crying and start chuckling at me. If that doesn't teach me to chill out, I guess I'll never learn :)
Well, this blogging has taken me a good hour at least while trying not to abandon my son to his tumbling ways in the process...don't want to push my luck too far!
1 comment:
I look forward to reading that book and putting it to good use with you :)
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