I am not sure if I have ever been more ready for fall. Not that I haven’t loved this long, glorious summer we’ve been experiencing…it has served to prep me for fully enjoying a cool, spicy autumn that I might otherwise have dreaded (for setting the stage for that frigid beast, winter). I’ve been basking in the pre-autumn winds, and have bought as many fresh school supplies as I could get away with without actually having school age children or going to school myself. You can’t imagine my excitement when I saw that our church was collecting school supplies for Kids Hope - an actual reason plopped in my lap for buying boxes of brand new crayons, pencils (colored AND non!), filler paper, scissors, glue, etc! Dan teased me that I was reaching a state of frenzied enjoyment that would cause me to pluck a child from a crowd and ask if his mother had bought him his school supplies yet, because if she hadn’t, then I would!
Ahem. Anyway, I do love this time of year. It makes me want to read Harry Potter, as it always does. (But then, there are many things that make me want to read Harry Potter…)I love that I can vaguely hear the MHS marching band practicing from our front porch. There’s something about hearing a marching band playing Lady GaGa that makes me smile…
I will miss my younger siblings when school starts, however. I’ve been babysitting my nephew Micah and invariably my brothers and sometimes Leah will want to hang out to “help” with the boys (It is actually helpful, I only use the quotations for those moments when my tiny house resounds with the boisterous din of 4 boys, aged 3 months to 16 years enjoying themselves a bit too loudly for me to hear myself think. But I know that in just a few weeks when it’s just me and the babies I will be missing those boisterous boys!)
We wrapped up the summer by spending rather too long at the fair. It was fun watching Liam with the animals, but he was more timid than he wanted to let on. When I reached out to stroke a horse's nose, he quickly leaned way back, as if to say "you're NOT getting me to touch that thing!" Apparently my disinterest in the available rides wasn't good enough for Joe and Dan (Shannon was an accomplice), who dragged me back later that night and talked me into riding the nausea-inducing "big rides." I won't give in to peer pressure next year.
Liam has decided that the more noise he can make, the more powerful he will become. We’re working on the tone of voice for now, as “shhh” does not register with him and his shrieks can get to be a bit much. He is still an enthusiastic dancer, and has a few moves that he breaks out the moment he hears music, along with a little be-boxing. Besides his VBS and Winnie the Pooh music, he loves Aunt Leah’s Tarzan soundtrack. He’s incredibly rambunctious but still has time to give his “Ma” lots of kisses, at least when there’s nothing too exciting going on! He always has time to kiss and coo at baby Micah, and seems to think that the poor kid would like nothing better than to have his toes tickled by Liam every time he sees him.
Anyway, he is currently waving his arms wildly from his high chair to get my attention, so I should probably wrap-up. Tootle pip!
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