So. I have decided that I LOVE having a child at Christmas time! Believe it or not I love having a child at all other times as well, but Christmas is so fun for me this year :) I love seeing the glee on Liam’s face every morning when he gets up and sees the Christmas tree all lit up. He’s delighted that it’s there every morning, as fascinating as it was yesterday! (I’m not worrying yet about how sad it will be when the Christmas tree has to come down…) He enjoys looking at his reflection in the ornaments, making silly faces and laughing at his magnified nose and eyes, and dragging Dan and me over to join him.
I love that he is starting to comprehend doing things for people. He enjoys coloring pictures, covering them with stickers, and giving them to people. The other day we sat down to color and do stickers and he said, “Lala?” I asked if he wanted to give the picture to Aunt Leah ("Lala"), and he said "YA!"
I think he’s going to enjoy giving Christmas gifts, especially if he’s covered the wrapping paper in stickers :)
Liam and I love to look at books together, though he’s a bit controlling with the books at this point. He often has to be the one to hold them (often upside down), turn the pages, point and jabber. I have a feeling that soon he’ll be deciding what the books should say as well.
I might not be a winter person, but I’m not sick of it yet - good sign, right? I love being warm and cozy inside, watching Liam enjoy the Christmas decorations and the snowfall outside, sometimes having a fire lit in the evenings. We’ll see how I’m doing with my winter attitude a month from now!
Too cute! Kids do bring Christmas-time almost back to the wonder it had during our own childhoods, I think.
Any particular favorites for Mr. Liam as far as stickers go, or is he nondiscriminatory in his sticker love at this point ? A little bird told me he might be adding to his collection when he sees his cousins. :)
It does bring it back, it's so fun! Aww, well, he is definitely non-discriminatory towards stickers...and towards where he puts them! :)
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