Saturday, August 14, 2010


I still love to make soup in the summer!
Just with the air conditioning cranked up, since this is the most humid summer in my memory. But I do love making soup so much, it is my favorite thing to cook. I always make something different, and I don't need a recipe, I just think of what might work together, and it usually works out well...the occasional distasteful surprise, but only occasionally :) My most recent concoction was made with the help of my husband, as we both were inspired to recreate a pureed root vegetable soup that we had in Ireland. It turned out a lot like we remembered and we were very excited. We made a big batch and froze some, and I'm making more this weekend for my sister's birthday on her request :)

I've been reading Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis and Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton. I took a Lewis class in college and it was one of the best classes I took, and I read quite a lot of his books. I missed out on the Chesterton class and always regretted it. It's actually unusual for me not to plow through a few fiction books a week, but I've been devoting my nighttime/Liam's naptime reading to these books and I've really loved it. I've never read anyone's writing as insightful as C.S Lewis' and I don't think I ever will. And I love good British wit of course :)

Well I thought I'd have more time to write a leisurely blog post but unfortunately my son is definitely in need of my attention. So I'll wrap up: WenttomallBarnesandNobleIloveyoubutyou'refreezing,wanttobuymumsfallrocksmysocks,needtoedgeourlawn,hadagreatbirthdayworeallorange,alsosweetanniversarywenttoBennigansslainte!

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