Monday, June 29, 2009

Day Thirteen

I am not sure how much time I'll be able to invest into this post, but the fact that I am attempting to blog is a big sign that things finally feel like they're starting to come together. The first week out of the hospital was rough and pretty exhausting, but I had a ton of help from my family and was SO grateful for it! We stayed at my parents' for a little while so that I wouldn't have to bother with our big flight of stairs while I was still in pain (and because my mom really wanted to be able to help out for a few days), and my whole family gave Liam quite a bit of attention (the helpful kind, too, like changing diapers-yes!) and were very helpful to me so that I could catch rest whenever I could. Dan had to go right back to work the day after we left the hospital, and he really appreciated the fact that Liam and I weren't on our own right off the bat.
After going through labor, I don't think anyone can be prepared physically for the lack of sleep for indefinite amounts of time, and that coupled with an extremely painful breast infection that quickly set in made me something of an over-emotional zombie for awhile there, despite how lucky I was to have my family around to help (I'm sure I would have been much more exhausted if the case were otherwise!).
Anyway, we moved back home and began to get adjusted around here, and just finished up a weekend having Dan's family to visit. They were great enough to sell us their mini-van and I am SO happy to have it now! It means I can take Liam to the doctor myself today...our first outing with just the two of us :) We'll bond.
Liam has very helpfully gotten himself into an eating/sleeping pattern that I can now attempt to navigate around so that I can actually get things done - for awhile there I was wondering how in the name of sweet pickled pineapples mothers are supposed to do anything with a nursing baby and no sleep - and I only have one child! But it is good now to have an idea of how long he'll sleep/when he'll most likely sleep (aka when I should sleep!) and when he'll be hungry. It is a little difficult because every time I nurse him I then have to pump on the other side (because of the mastitis) and it makes the process take twice as long - and I have really crappy pump that takes forever anyway. So that is frustrating at night when he conks out after nursing and I desperately want to sleep while he is, but I have to stay up and pump.
Soooo... I still have a ton of adjusting to do, but we're getting there and it is encouraging :)
Sorry, this has been a lot of rambling about stuff you may not have wanted to read about, if so, sorry! I really should get some work done - haven't really cleaned up much after our weekend of having company and probably only have a short time left before my son is ready for his Mama! (He's snoozing very peacefully right now). I might put some more pictures up later, but in the meantime there are a ton of pictures of my handsome man on facebook already.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Hang in there and nap while he sleeps, I didn't do enough of that with Joshua and tried my best to do so with Lydia and it made such a BIG difference.
Sorry to hear about the mastitis too--that is big time painful/tiring/wiping out I've never felt sicker faster in my life!--hope you can go back to just feeding your little guy soon. :)
Way to go in blog posting so soon!